This is going to be a long, unstructured rant about happenings of this weekend and my thoughts on the views and political background of Sarah Palin.
Newcastle Brown Ale and
UFO Wheat Ale while listening to Talking Heads' "The Name of This Band is Taking Heads," Weezer's "Blue Album," some boring Arcade Fire album, and Bon Iver's, "For Emma, Forever Ago," with June and Kevin. That's what my Saturday night consisted of. A lot of fun.
I voyaged with my station wagon over to East Cambridge for a party on Eighth Street on Friday night. My roommate's friend Stephanie was having people over, a normal occurance on a weekend. I never go to these parties because there's no one there I particularly like very much with the exception of my roommate, Junith. I invited a bunch of people over in order to cancel out the amount of weird, lame people there. Didn't work. After John finished up waiting tables at
Cambridge Common, we filled up a bag full of Bud Light and consumed them on the ride from Cambridge to Somerville. After avoiding police, talking to a dude with knee pads, throwing gang signs (and having gang signs thrown back at us) in traffic, we arrived and there was a dying party filled with scene hardcore kids going on in the apartment downstairs. We spent a good hour drinking and subtly mocking and making fun of them. After that, I think I fell down, got up, and went home.
It blows my mind that a presidential candidate of a major political party can select a vice president for the sole reason of "shaking up a ticket." I partially understand the reasoning behind it:
- Her views aren't as widely known as John McCain's, creating a situation where her views on energy and foreign policy can be molded in a way that can properly fit the part of a conservative VP much easier than if Mitt Romney or Tim Pawlenty were selected.
- She expresses interest in developing Alaska and other domestic areas for the extraction of natural gases and oil. Rather than spending mind blowing amounts of money for what can only be a temporary solution to the energy crisis, why can't solar, wind, and hyroelectic solutions be further explored? I understand that these solutions are viewed as something that isn't a necessity at this exact point in time, but the more money spent and manpower used to make this a reality, the less time we would need to build 11 mile pipelines for a bandage on a rapidly growing gash in this country.
- Palin opposes a women's right to chose and is against gay rights. Enough said.
I just hope that the American publican can understand that Sarah Palin is an attractive politcal pawn with virtually no prior foreign policy experience. Running a country involves a lot more than adding polar bears to the endagered species list. Maybe in Alaska, thats a priority, but no one is going to base there presidential vote on that (wishful thinking.)
Conservative views are dated.