Fast forward a month or two later and the lesbians move to a farm and a sociopath teeny bopper (bopper is not picked up by spell check and although that doesn't surprise me, I would expect the word to pass through the screening without a red line of scrutiny. I'm fine with it.) maniac plotting to take my girlfriend's life. The street punk smokes crack regularly. In some backward way I commend him for functioning while regularly smoking crack cocaine. I have no experience with this type of drug, but based on various drug rehab television shows, it mustn't be an easy feat if the singer from Crazytown can't handle it.

Needless to say, we got out of dodge and moved into a friend's place in Allston. In the meantime, my only source of income other than poker was removed from my life and in a wacky way. I had been working as a bouncer (the third smallest of the staff) at a relatively low key bar downtown. Cliffnotes: I knocked a guy unconscious for punching a girl and it was all on camera. Also, I was off the clock. I spent an hour or two after my firing pissing and moaning about how bullshit it was. I now understand why someone with a vested interest in the bar and not some random employee would take such action. Working in a bar is wildly unhealthy, especially taking into consideration having to ride through the hood at 3 A.M on my war pony. That's me on the left.

It was an interest dynamic to work in such an aggressive setting. Due to my initial stereotyping of all fellow employees, I wasn't expecting to leave there with anything gained. Truth be told, there are actually a handful of decent people in the bar industry. For the most part, the majority force me to think less of the human race as a whole.
I'm back on the grind in a major way. My action has decreased dramatically on Full Tilt (FTP) and Cake. I spend 90% of my time on various social networking sites and perfecting my Tetris game while waiting for someone to play against me.
This is my new bicycle. We are being hyper-not-that-irregular chiller bros on the pavement because that's what's hot.
Would you like to know what is also legitimate in a hyper-modern culturally relevant way?
For all of this, you are welcome.