Uncontrolled hysteria over a fucking basketball game. How? It simply does not add up to me. For those that do not know, the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA championship recently. This somehow resulted in the smashing of storefront windows. As it became evident that the LAPD could not chase the hooligans out of the area, police cars were set ablaze, boutiques were ransacked for anything of value, and metal trash cans were thrown at virtually everything. See below.

I can understand that die-hard fans rooting for the losing team would do something along these lines. I'm not saying that actions such as these are justified in that case, but doesn't it make more sense? If you're angry and upset, you sometimes react in a violent way. Anything of this magnitude rarely adds up, especially over a sporting event.

Does the average fan think: "Oh my goodness, I can't believe that my favorite team just won the championship! Let's all congregate outside and fuck shit up! Let's show the world how happy we are by lighting a bunch of shit on fire and punching cops!" I don't get it. But I must admit, the person responsible for trimming the local trees in order to magnify the already existing flames must be a die-hard fan. You can't fake that.

I hate Los Angeles.