David Bazan, formerly of Pedro the Lion, has given me a refreshingly honest and new perspective on religion. After reading through a few articles I feel that his opinion on Christianity is full. As it is plainly clear in his earlier recordings, Bazan was a devoted Christian in the past. Being forced into accepting the love and existence of Christ from a very early age limits what could potentially be understood without it. Having a closed minded view of God and religion (limited to Christianity) is rarely ever going to benefit anyone in relation to a child brought up in a free and boundary-free atmosphere, where a person can then base their own true opinion.
Anyone that cannot understand past "RELIGION IS LIES" should stop reading here. Religion is based on falsies and flat out misconstrued, silly lies. Coming to grips with the fact that many important lessons and understandings can be gained through such "lies" is impossible for most. It just so happens that Christianity is not worth anyone's time, and, having been forced into this specific religion, I can understand why someone would be sour about religion in general. Other religions with even more elaborate and unbelievable stories have thought provoking stories to better a person. Just don't take it in a literal sense. Do we really need to argue whether or not Moses parted a body of water? I certainly hope not.
Getting back to Mr. Bazan, he claims that his faith slowly disintegrated as he became more and more familiar with it. Some grow up with strict guidelines about faith, sometimes making it irreversible to think with an objective mind about religion, or anything. Others view religion as an escape. For example, when a 9 year old's dog dies, praying is going to put Spot into doggie heaven, right? Maybe it does help. I just don't think that I'll ever be in a position to think so. Neither does David Bazan.
Also, please view this hilariously biased blog post about Bazan's fall from faith here.