Waves of dizziness and nausea are preventing me from enjoying this beautiful day. Not being able to pinpoint the root of my illness is frustrating me far more than it should. So I've decided to take action against my new sickness by doing what most consider as "the lazy approach." And that approach comes in the form of a pill knwn as ibuprofen. Most of you know me as a non-believer in Advil or Tylenol and both brands have not relieved or cured me well enough to change that opinion. However, I find comfort in knowing that they are designed to relieve my pain, which ultimately leads to relieving my stress derivative of my nausea and dizziness. It comes full circle in a deceitful way. Completely eliminating my illness is hardly ever the case with the consumption of ibuprofen, in my experience. I find comfort in knowing that there is something inside my body allegedly working diligently to enter me back into the world of wellness. Whether it is actually working or not is irrelevant.
Cliffnotes: Don't buy ibuprofen. Save your money.
The store/pharmacy down the street from my house is running a pretty +EV promotion. If you make a purchase of $25 or more, you get $5 off. That obviously sucked me directly into the store, leaving me to search for items that are even the least bit useful. As I leisurely waltzed from aisle to aisle, I crossed paths with a guy doing the exact same thing. He was juggling bug spray, sponges, a bag of elastics, and other some items of similar importance. I feel that I did a much more cost-effective/better job by buying floss, a fathers day card, an expensive paste to treat the canker on my lip, Advil, and a package of tennis balls. Of course, he didn't have a canker on his lip, leaving the numbers to be slightly askew (and bias, not prejudice.) If we were to break down the profit margin of each item, I would win and it would not be close. This was meant to be a joke, but I'm noticing that things just got out of hand. I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about right now, nor do I intend on reading this to see if it actually makes some sense. Deal with it.
The cashier didn't scan the coupon until I mentioned it, and I expected that. I took the $5 I saved and bought a beer. Beer always does taste better when it's free. Or stolen.*
*-The past few sentences were a collaborative effort to joke about a recent situation. It's meant for a select crowd only.