Friday, September 5, 2008


Gloucester, MA is such a beautiful place. Recently, I've been spending a lot of time there for two reasons:

1. The beaches are beautiful and alchohol consumption isn't properly regulated (at least not at Good Harbor, anyway). Paying $25 to park is a little pricy, but I'll shell it out as long as they don't take my beer away.

2. All through my childhood, I remember classmates talking about the Gloucester quarries. I went there with a slew of hoodlums (Lee Aulson, June Politano, Kevin Darcy, Matt Darcy, Ali Miller, Jim Brophy, Mark from Florida, Pete the EMT, and Barbara from Mississippi) with beer aplenty last weekend (Labor Day). Basically, its a gigantic trail with man made holes filled with fresh water, spread across acres. From what I understand, rocks were taken from the site and sold in the 1950's, leaving these giant, beautiful holes and some pretty sweet views. There are 5, 20, 40, and 70 foot jumps that are safe to jump from. Out of the group I went with, I was the only one to complete the cycle (although I did stand atop the 70 foot for 1 hour+ in order to muster the courage). It was the most liberating experience that I've encountered in a long time.

For anyone interested, I'd like to take 128 to its end for one more jump before the weather no longer permits such an activity.