Friday, September 12, 2008


Lately, I've been hustling more so than usual at work in order to finish my mail route early. I know that I'm a little late on this, but, as it turns out, I have an overwhelming addiction to Guitar Hero. Unfortunately, I don't own a game console, leaving me to go to my local Best Buy to play (while being paid by the government.) Over the past two months, I'd say I'm averaging between .7 and .9 visits daily. Some days I go more than once. As most people know, there is a yellow-shirted security associate at each exit of Best Buys. It recently got to the point where I'm embarassed to walk by them. He knows why I'm there, and I know that he knows why I'm there. I sense some animosity between us, but once I shake him, I'm home free. The ole pretend-like-I'm-talking-on-the-phone-to-avoid-the-awkward-greet has recently been added to my arsenal of tricks.

I can put on quite a show with "Mississippi Queen" since I've graduated to expert status. Ask the 2:30 crowd of high school kids that roll up to play.

"And I know it takes a new addiction to keep you from what you're addicted to."

So, I've taken up this.