Saturday, May 30, 2009


After lurking across the sometimes hypnotizing interwebmosphere, I came across a wonderful article. This was found on a former friend's blog that I continually read, leaving me to feel an unusual form of guilty, as if it's a personal journal that I've found the key to.

The article left me feeling refreshingly thrilled. I identify the feeling with this:

Corroborating a shamefully honest opinion of yours to a friend/partner/parent in an artfully tactful way.


Proving yourself right, already knowing it, now armed with a perfect summary of embarrassingly recent understandings. Sadly, I was not born with a complete understanding this article, as that is rarely the case. One thing I am told that I was born with is the unrivaled ability to successfully whine. This is exhibit A. Let's not kid ourselves, the blog era is directly effecting one industry far more than any other. Therapists.